The Art of Conscious Abundance
Today, when most people think of the word “manifestation,” they think of a figure in a dark room with a crystal ball or tarot cards, or maybe a person sitting criss-cross with their eyes closed. The truth is, there is not just one way to manifest. The underlying concept - to alter your life’s experience through how you choose to think - is very simple, and we can all practice it every day without intense study. And you can manifest practically anything. Experiences, emotions, relationships, states of being; these are all completely in your power to change and bring to life.
Yannik, Dry Farm Wines Family
Perhaps you wish to travel the world or face your fear of heights through skydiving. Maybe you want to enjoy a laugh over a beautiful dinner with a loved one. What if you notice a lack of harmony in a relationship, and you want to shift this emotional state? Or if you desire to change a personality trait, like a quick temper?
As cliché as it may seem, you can make a difference in any of these elements through manifestation. With a clear desire and a few tools, we practice this often.
“All that we are is a result of what we have thought.” — Buddha
A few ways we love to manifest every day
Meditation can be as straightforward as you’d like it to be. You can find a comfortable seat, close your eyes, and connect with your breath. The length of your meditation could be as short as one full breath, as long as a few hours.
For us, the goal is to achieve a state of “non-thinking” where you can recognize your mind without thought. This helps establish a clean slate for future thought and gives you deeper presence. This state of “Deep Presence” helps us manifest thoughts and actions in a more
profound way.
These activities can be done at any time, but are most effective during a meditation in which a state of ‘no thought’ has occurred and a state of ‘Deep Presence’ has been achieved.
The idea here is to experience your desires as though they are happening now. Not in the future, not in the past, but right now. How would you like to behave to your best friend? What is the emotion you’d like to feel at the end of a work day? What new experience do you yearn to have?
You can pretend like whatever you are visualizing has already occurred and you are simply recalling an old memory. So, with our eyes closed, we imagine our desire by painting a scene with the most vivid detail, and taking note of all the smells, and sounds, and emotions present as we engage and experience this desire. This is best practiced by inducing all senses during your
visualization process.
Dream Boarding
Dream boarding is very simple. We put photos and words of the things we desire in a place where we will see them every day. Then, we can spend time looking at the photos and words each day, and in those moments we feel the experience as fully as we can.
The source of the photos can be anywhere: an online search, a magazine, a newspaper, a blog. We like to make sure that whatever photos or design elements we choose resonate deeply and inspire us every time we see them.
This is in effect the same exercise as Visualization, except instead of using your mind to imagine, you use your pen to write in story form the experience you have already had with your future desires. We often start with a simple outlined list. Then, we can develop a rich narrative that expresses a space of joy and excitement.
One way some people choose to journal is by writing a letter or email to their future self. You can also use flash cards, post it notes, or long form pages. You can begin to implement these tools to express thoughts and feelings around virtually anything in your life.
When our thoughts or energetic state impacts reality, we manifest.
Manifestation is happening all the time, for everyone, whether we are aware or not. Even when we aren’t intending to manifest, we continue to impress our thoughts upon the world around us. Negative thoughts and emotions may cause us to tense up, to become nervous, to become forgetful, to create judgments clouded by anger. This means our thoughts or energy can affect the physical world. Positive thoughts can have the same influence.
No one quite knows where the practice of manifestation came from. Many influential figures throughout history, from presidents to religious leaders, documented their thoughts and observations of the world in an effort to affect certain outcomes. Early notions of the mind’s ability to impact reality are present in cultures throughout the world, propelled forward by the teachings of Hindu, Christian, and Buddhist perspectives. From then, manifestation has evolved as more people became curious beyond the religious realm.
A few guiding words of advice
Intention Can Be Powerful
When intentions are very specific, results will be specific, too. With details, you can attempt to cultivate the experience of every element of your desire, including the emotions involved with all parties. This would be the difference between “I want to fall in love” and “I want a shared bond and mutual trust with another human.” In this case you’ve identified trust as an important component of love for you. There can be a difference between short simple manifestations and longer more specific thoughts.
Benefits Go to Everyone
There are many subtleties to this aspect of practice. You can think of what you wish for and also how aspects of your manifestation bring joy and abundance to those around you. Imagine the joy you feel while experiencing your manifestation and how that joy rubs off on others, creating a sense of uplift and inspiration.
We try our best to enjoy every moment in its richest capacity, whether you have exactly what you desire yet or not. For us, this is the most important aspect of manifestation since how you feel determines your emotional state. It is very powerful to truly enjoy what you have right now, even if it seems at first glance to be an undesirable effect.