Everything We Eat Is Made Here


Imagine if everything you needed in life was grown right outside your house. Olives for fresh oil, basil for pesto and caprese salad, chickens for eggs, and of course, grapes for wine. 

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Before becoming a winery, Casa di Baal was a full working farm. The Baal family, a father and 2 daughters, take meticulous care of their soil, never spray a thing, and farm the way their ancestors did long ago.

Their goal is not to scale their winery into a large production. They do not concern themselves with large profits or prestigious wine awards. The family just wants to make delicious food and drink for their dinner table, and share that simple pleasure with the world. Nourishment that beams with life and imparts energy. 

A bottle of Casa di Baal wine expresses this beauty. The personality is rustic. The aromatics are friendly. The wines are full of life, like an Italian dinner, and joyful, like an Italian greeting. 


Thank you, Casa di Baal, for your commitment to Nature and family. It is an honor to share your wines with the world.

Shawn Bankston